
179 lines
4.1 KiB

module commands
import os
import cli
import log
import time
import regex
import markdown
import internal.template
import internal.config
const default_config = 'config.toml'
const default_template = 'layouts/index.html'
const defautl_static = 'static'
const default_index = 'index.md'
const default_dist = 'dist'
struct Builder {
config config.Config
logger log.Log
dist string
static_dir string
template_content string
config_map map[string]string
fn new_builder(logger log.Log) Builder {
return Builder{
logger: logger
dist: commands.default_dist
static_dir: commands.defautl_static
fn new_build_cmd() cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
name: 'build'
description: 'build your site'
usage: 'vss build'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
mut logger := log.Log{}
config := load_config(commands.default_config)!
build(config, mut logger) or {
println('Build failed')
fn get_html_path(md_path string) string {
mut file_name := os.file_name(md_path)
file_name = file_name.replace('.md', '.html')
dir := os.dir(md_path)
if dir == '.' {
return file_name
return os.join_path(dir, file_name)
fn normalise_paths(paths []string) []string {
cwd := os.getwd() + os.path_separator
mut res := paths.map(os.abs_path(it).replace(cwd, '').replace(os.path_separator, '/'))
return res
// pre_proc_md_to_html convert markdown relative links to html relative links
fn pre_proc_md_to_html(contents string) !string {
lines := contents.split_into_lines()
mut parsed_lines := []string{len: lines.len}
mut re := regex.regex_opt(r'\[.+\]\(.+\.md\)') or { return err }
for i, line in contents.split_into_lines() {
start, end := re.find(line)
if start >= 0 && end > start {
parsed_lines[i] = line.replace('.md', '.html')
} else {
parsed_lines[i] = line
return parsed_lines.join('\n')
fn get_md_content(path string) !string {
md := os.read_file(path)!
return pre_proc_md_to_html(md)
fn get_content(path string) !string {
md := get_md_content(path)!
return markdown.to_html(md)
fn (mut b Builder) md2html(md_path string) ! {
// get html body content from md
content := get_content(md_path)!
// want to change from contents to content
b.config_map['contents'] = content
html := template.parse(b.template_content, b.config_map)
html_path := get_html_path(md_path)
dist_path := os.join_path(b.dist, html_path)
if !os.exists(os.dir(dist_path)) {
os.write_file(dist_path, html)!
// load_config loads a toml config file
fn load_config(toml_file string) !config.Config {
toml_text := os.read_file(toml_file)!
return config.load(toml_text)
// copy_static copy static files to dist
fn (b Builder) copy_static() ! {
if os.exists(b.static_dir) {
os.cp_all(b.static_dir, b.dist, false)!
// create_dist_dir create build output destination
fn (mut b Builder) create_dist_dir() ! {
if os.exists(b.dist) {
b.logger.info('re-create dist dir')
} else {
b.logger.info('create dist dir')
fn (mut b Builder) is_ignore(path string) bool {
// e.g. README.md
file_name := os.file_name(path)
// notify user that build was skipped
if file_name in b.config.build.ignore_files {
return true
return false
fn build(config config.Config, mut logger log.Log) ! {
println('Start building')
mut sw := time.new_stopwatch()
mut b := new_builder(logger)
template_content := os.read_file(commands.default_template)!
b.template_content = template_content
b.config = config
b.config_map = config.as_map()
// copy static dir files
logger.info('copy static files')
mds := normalise_paths(os.walk_ext('.', '.md'))
logger.info('start md to html')
for path in mds {
if b.is_ignore(path) {
logger.info('$path is included in ignore_files, skip build')
logger.info('end md to html')
println('Total in ' + sw.elapsed().milliseconds().str() + ' ms')