more info and social links
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<p>My professional experience spans over thirteen years.</p>
<p>Pretty early in my life I realized that I work best on my own terms. That does not mean that I prefer to work alone. Working with clients, team mates, designers and managers is a crucial part of any development process.</p>
<p>Some time in the year 2009 I decided to not only live up to my way of working but also share my experience even more. I decided to become a freelancing programmer and consultant. Since then many different places benefited from my work. Start-Ups in their first months as well as well known companies like HERE and Deutsche Telekom Labs.</p>
<p>Together with entrepreneurs, UI/UX experts and engineers of many fields I created novel and beautiful applications that still influence the live of thousands of people.</p>
<p>Please see my CV for a more detailed list.</p>
<p>Whenever possible, I try to help others to learn.</p>
<p>I’m the organizer of Vuejs // Berlin, a monthly meetup group around Vue and web technologies in general.</p>
<p>Many people want to learn and grow. Whenever I can I try to help those people by sharing my experience and knowledge. I already voluntarily coached at Code Curious, Frauenloop and Jugend Hackt. I also helped children with their first steps into the world of programming at the Berlin CoderDojo.</p>
<p>You can contact me in many ways</p>
<div class="contacts">
<p><img src="/mail.svg" alt="Mail"> n@<this domain></p>
<p><img src="/fediverse.svg" alt="Fediverse / Mastodon"> <a href=""></a></p>
<p><img src="/linkedin.svg" alt="LinkedIn"> <a href="">Norman Köhring</a></p>
<p><img src="/instagram.svg" alt="Instagram"> <a href="">coffee_n_code</a></p>
<p><img src="/threads.svg" alt="Threads"> <a href="">coffee_n_code</a></p>
<p><img src="/reddit.svg" alt="Reddit"> <a href="">/u/koehr</a></p>
<p><img src="/github.svg" alt="Github"> <a href="">nkoehring</a></p>
<p><img src="/twitter.svg" alt="Twitter"> <a href="">koehr_in</a></p>
<link href=/extended.css rel=stylesheet>
Normal file
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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# experience
> My professional experience spans over thirteen years.
Pretty early in my life I realized that I work best on my own terms. That does not mean that I prefer to work alone. Working with clients, team mates, designers and managers is a crucial part of any development process.
Some time in the year 2009 I decided to not only live up to my way of working but also share my experience even more. I decided to become a freelancing programmer and consultant. Since then many different places benefited from my work. Start-Ups in their first months as well as well known companies like HERE and Deutsche Telekom Labs.
@ -7,3 +9,35 @@ Some time in the year 2009 I decided to not only live up to my way of working bu
Together with entrepreneurs, UI/UX experts and engineers of many fields I created novel and beautiful applications that still influence the live of thousands of people.
Please see my CV for a more detailed list.
# coaching
> Whenever possible, I try to help others to learn.
I’m the organizer of Vuejs // Berlin, a monthly meetup group around Vue and web technologies in general.
Many people want to learn and grow. Whenever I can I try to help those people by sharing my experience and knowledge. I already voluntarily coached at Code Curious, Frauenloop and Jugend Hackt. I also helped children with their first steps into the world of programming at the Berlin CoderDojo.
# contact
> You can contact me in many ways
<div class="contacts">
 n@<this domain>
 [Norman Köhring](öhring-950448109/)
@ -1,5 +1 @@
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