2024-03-10 00:35:47 +01:00
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< title > Norman Köhring // the codeartist — programmer and engineer based in Berlin< / title >
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2024-03-10 23:06:15 +01:00
< header class = "light:invert" >
2024-03-10 00:35:47 +01:00
Homepage of
< div class = p-name >
< span class = first-name > Norman< / span >
< span class = last-name > Köhring< / span >
< / div >
Code Artist
< / header >
< main >
2024-03-10 23:06:15 +01:00
< div id = intro >
< p >
Hi there! I am a
< a title = "Do you want to hire me?" href = "#contact" > programmer< / a > ,
< a rel = "noopener" title = "see some of my projects" href = "https://git.k0r.in" target = "_blank" > open-source
enthusiast< / a >
< a title = "What is a hacker, actually?" href = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker_culture" rel = "noopener"
target="_blank">hacker< / a >
based in Berlin, Germany.
< / p >
< p >
I call myself a code artist, because programming can and should be seen as a creative process; therefore code is
art. I love to craft pieces of art with code, that are beautiful and elegant in their simplicity, readability
and architecture.
< / p >
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Try the Interactive Homepage Experiment
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< a href = "#content" >
Learn more about me and my work, here
< img class = "light:invert" src = "/down.svg" / >
< / a >
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2024-03-10 00:35:47 +01:00
< / div >
2024-03-10 23:06:15 +01:00
< div id = content >
< h1 > experience< / h1 >
< p > Pretty early in my life I realized that I work best on my own terms. That does not mean that I prefer to work alone. Working with clients, team mates, designers and managers is a crucial part of any development process.< / p >
< p > Some time in the year 2009 I decided to not only live up to my way of working but also share my experience even more. I decided to become a freelancing programmer and consultant. Since then many different places benefited from my work. Start-Ups in their first months as well as well known companies like HERE and Deutsche Telekom Labs.< / p >
< p > Together with entrepreneurs, UI/UX experts and engineers of many fields I created novel and beautiful applications that still influence the live of thousands of people.< / p >
< p > Please see my CV for a more detailed list.< / p >
2024-03-10 00:35:47 +01:00
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