156 lines
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156 lines
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*ConqueTerm* Plugin to run a shell in a buffer
The ConqueTerm plugin will convert a buffer into a terminal emulator, allowing
you to run a shell or shell application in the buffer.
Type :ConqueTerm <command> to launch an application in the current buffer. E.g.
:ConqueTerm bash
:ConqueTerm mysql -h localhost -u joe_lunchbox Menu
:ConqueTerm man top
Use :ConqueTermSplit or :ConqueTermVSplit to open Conque in a new horizontal
or vertical buffer.
Keys pressed in insert mode will be sent to the shell, along with output from
the 'p' command in normal mode.
Press the <Esc> key twice to send a single <Esc> to the shell. Pressing this
key once will leave insert mode like normal.
Press <F9> in any buffer to send a visual selection to the shell.
Set the following in your .vimrc (default values shown)
" Enable colors. Setting this to 0 will make your terminal faster.
let g:ConqueTerm_Color = 1
" Set your terminal type. I strong recommend leaving this as vt100,
" however more features may be enabled with xterm.
let g:ConqueTerm_TERM = 'vt100'
" Set buffer syntax. Conque has highlighting for MySQL, but not much else.
let g:ConqueTerm_Syntax = 'conque'
" Continue updating shell when it's not the current, focused buffer
let g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused = 1
The following minimum requirements are needed to run Conque. Conque will not
run on Windows without a Cygwin-like environment.
- Vim 7.1
- Python 2.3
- Supported operating systems: *nix, Mac, or Cygwin
Tested on:
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.6 / Ubuntu 9.10 (Gnome & GTK)
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.6 / FreeBSD 8.0 (GTK)
- Vim 7.1 / Python 2.6 / FreeBSD 8.0 (GTK)
x Vim 7.0 / Python 2.6 / FreeBSD 8.0 (GTK)
* feedkeys() doesn't restart updatetime
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.4 / OpenSolaris 2009.06 (Gnome)
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.4 / CentOS 5.3 (no GUI)
- Vim 7.1 / Python 2.3 / RHEL 4 (no GUI)
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.5 / Cygwin (Windows Vista 64b)
- MacVim 7.2 / Python 2.3 / OS X 10.6.2
The following are known limitations:
- Font/color highlighting is imperfect and slow. If you don't care about
color in your shell, set g:ConqueTerm_Color = 0 in your .vimrc
- Conque only supports the extended ASCII character set for input, not utf-8.
- VT100 escape sequence support is not complete.
- Alt/Meta key support in Vim isn't great in general, and conque is no
exception. Pressing <Esc><Esc>x or <Esc><M-x> instead of <M-x> works in
most cases.
- Fix pasting from named registers
- Polling unfucused conque buffers (Top explodes when window resizes)
- Enable graphics character set
- Consider supporting xterm escapes
- Improve color logic
- Find a solution to UTF-8 input (See InsertCharPre in Vim todo.txt)
- Find an alternative to updatetime polling (See Vim todo.txt)
- Find a graceful solution to Meta key input
- Windows support
(See PyConsole http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1974)
- Always: look for performance improvements
The two contributions most in need are improvements to Vim itself. I currently
use hacks to simulate a key press event and repeating CursorHold event. The
Vim todo.txt document lists proposed improvements to give users this behavior
without hacks. Having a key press event should allow Conque to work with multi-
byte input. If you are a Vim developer, please consider prioritizing these two
- todo.txt (Autocommands, line ~3137)
8 Add an event like CursorHold that is triggered repeatedly, not just
once after typing something.
- todo.txt (Autocommands, proposed event list, line ~3189)
InsertCharPre - user typed character Insert mode, before inserting the
char. Pattern is matched with text before the cursor. Set v:char to the
character, can be changed. (not triggered when 'paste' is set).
Bugs, suggestions and patches are all welcome.
For more information visit http://conque.googlecode.com
Check out the latest from svn at http://conque.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
- 1.0 / 2010-02-
* Complete python rewrite
* Add support for ncurses based applications
* Add continuous polling, instead of using <Tab>
* Improve speed
* Improve syntax highlighting
- 0.6 / 2009-12-18
* Fix GVim errors with non-english locale
* No functional changes
- 0.5 / 2009-12-02
* Various performance enhancements and bugfixes.
* Rewritten escape sequence processing
- 0.4 / 2009-10-30
* Improved history and tab completion
* Fix escape sequence formatting and improve highlighting
* Send selected text to shell from any buffer
* Add special handling of "vi" and "man" commands
* Improve error handling
* Add key mappings for <C-p> <C-n> <C-l> <C-j>
* Various bugfixes
- 0.3 / 2009-10-13
* Apply escape sequence coloring to output, e.g. ls --color
* Clean up syntax files for portability
* Fix several Vim 7.1 bugs
* Bugfixes for multiple shell buffers
* Add experimental shell folding option
- 0.2 / 2009-10-01
* Rewritten subprocess management module in python instead of c
* Added support for OS X, partial support for Windows
* Improved tab completion
- 0.1 / 2009-09-03
* Initial release