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2012-10-26 02:30:01 +02:00
*ConqueTerm* Plugin to run a shell in a buffer
The ConqueTerm plugin will convert a buffer into a terminal emulator, allowing
you to run a shell or shell application in the buffer.
Type :ConqueTerm <command> to launch an application in the current buffer. E.g.
:ConqueTerm bash
:ConqueTerm mysql -h localhost -u joe_lunchbox Menu
:ConqueTerm man top
Use :ConqueTermSplit or :ConqueTermVSplit to open Conque in a new horizontal
or vertical buffer.
Keys pressed in insert mode will be sent to the shell, along with output from
the 'p' command in normal mode.
Press the <Esc> key twice to send a single <Esc> to the shell. Pressing this
key once will leave insert mode like normal.
Press <F9> in any buffer to send a visual selection to the shell.
Set the following in your .vimrc (default values shown)
" Enable colors. Setting this to 0 will make your terminal faster.
let g:ConqueTerm_Color = 1
" Set your terminal type. I strong recommend leaving this as vt100,
" however more features may be enabled with xterm.
let g:ConqueTerm_TERM = 'vt100'
" Set buffer syntax. Conque has highlighting for MySQL, but not much else.
let g:ConqueTerm_Syntax = 'conque'
" Continue updating shell when it's not the current, focused buffer
let g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused = 1
The following minimum requirements are needed to run Conque. Conque will not
run on Windows without a Cygwin-like environment.
- Vim 7.1
- Python 2.3
- Supported operating systems: *nix, Mac, or Cygwin
Tested on:
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.6 / Ubuntu 9.10 (Gnome & GTK)
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.6 / FreeBSD 8.0 (GTK)
- Vim 7.1 / Python 2.6 / FreeBSD 8.0 (GTK)
x Vim 7.0 / Python 2.6 / FreeBSD 8.0 (GTK)
* feedkeys() doesn't restart updatetime
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.4 / OpenSolaris 2009.06 (Gnome)
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.4 / CentOS 5.3 (no GUI)
- Vim 7.1 / Python 2.3 / RHEL 4 (no GUI)
- Vim 7.2 / Python 2.5 / Cygwin (Windows Vista 64b)
- MacVim 7.2 / Python 2.3 / OS X 10.6.2
The following are known limitations:
- Font/color highlighting is imperfect and slow. If you don't care about
color in your shell, set g:ConqueTerm_Color = 0 in your .vimrc
- Conque only supports the extended ASCII character set for input, not utf-8.
- VT100 escape sequence support is not complete.
- Alt/Meta key support in Vim isn't great in general, and conque is no
exception. Pressing <Esc><Esc>x or <Esc><M-x> instead of <M-x> works in
most cases.
- Fix pasting from named registers
- Polling unfucused conque buffers (Top explodes when window resizes)
- Enable graphics character set
- Consider supporting xterm escapes
- Improve color logic
- Find a solution to UTF-8 input (See InsertCharPre in Vim todo.txt)
- Find an alternative to updatetime polling (See Vim todo.txt)
- Find a graceful solution to Meta key input
- Windows support
(See PyConsole
- Always: look for performance improvements
The two contributions most in need are improvements to Vim itself. I currently
use hacks to simulate a key press event and repeating CursorHold event. The
Vim todo.txt document lists proposed improvements to give users this behavior
without hacks. Having a key press event should allow Conque to work with multi-
byte input. If you are a Vim developer, please consider prioritizing these two
- todo.txt (Autocommands, line ~3137)
8 Add an event like CursorHold that is triggered repeatedly, not just
once after typing something.
- todo.txt (Autocommands, proposed event list, line ~3189)
InsertCharPre - user typed character Insert mode, before inserting the
char. Pattern is matched with text before the cursor. Set v:char to the
character, can be changed. (not triggered when 'paste' is set).
Bugs, suggestions and patches are all welcome.
For more information visit
Check out the latest from svn at
- 1.0 / 2010-02-
* Complete python rewrite
* Add support for ncurses based applications
* Add continuous polling, instead of using <Tab>
* Improve speed
* Improve syntax highlighting
- 0.6 / 2009-12-18
* Fix GVim errors with non-english locale
* No functional changes
- 0.5 / 2009-12-02
* Various performance enhancements and bugfixes.
* Rewritten escape sequence processing
- 0.4 / 2009-10-30
* Improved history and tab completion
* Fix escape sequence formatting and improve highlighting
* Send selected text to shell from any buffer
* Add special handling of "vi" and "man" commands
* Improve error handling
* Add key mappings for <C-p> <C-n> <C-l> <C-j>
* Various bugfixes
- 0.3 / 2009-10-13
* Apply escape sequence coloring to output, e.g. ls --color
* Clean up syntax files for portability
* Fix several Vim 7.1 bugs
* Bugfixes for multiple shell buffers
* Add experimental shell folding option
- 0.2 / 2009-10-01
* Rewritten subprocess management module in python instead of c
* Added support for OS X, partial support for Windows
* Improved tab completion
- 0.1 / 2009-09-03
* Initial release