I started off with "hints" that required the poor student to piece together the information from incomplete bits. A complete example is like a picture that is worth 1000 words and far clearer.
28 lines
653 B
28 lines
653 B
// Behold the 'for' loop! It lets you execute code for each
// member of an array:
// for (items) |item| {
// // Do something with item
// }
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() void {
const story = [_]u8{ 'h', 'h', 's', 'n', 'h' };
std.debug.print("A Dramatic Story: ", .{});
for (???) |???| {
if(scene == 'h') std.debug.print(":-) ", .{});
if(scene == 's') std.debug.print(":-( ", .{});
if(scene == 'n') std.debug.print(":-| ", .{});
std.debug.print("The End.\n", .{});
// Note that "for" loops also work on things called "slices"
// which we'll see later.