When I hit 999 exercises, I will finally have reached the ultimate state of soteriological release and no more exercises will be needed. The cycle will be complete. All that will be left is perfect quietude, freedom, and highest happiness.
34 lines
875 B
34 lines
875 B
// Zig 'while' statements create a loop that runs while the
// condition is true. This runs once (at most):
// while (condition) {
// condition = false;
// }
// Remember that the condition must be a boolean value and
// that we can get a boolean value from conditional operators
// such as:
// a == b means "a equals b"
// a < b means "a is less than b"
// a > b means "a is greater than b"
// a != b means "a does not equal b"
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() void {
var n: u32 = 2;
// Please use a condition that is true UNTIL "n" reaches 1024:
while (???) {
// Print the current number
std.debug.print("{} ", .{n});
// Set n to n multiplied by 2
n *= 2;
// Once the above is correct, this will print "n=1024"
std.debug.print("n={}\n", .{n});