Add the check-exercises.py tool in the new tools directory. It is used to check that the exercises are correctly formatted, printing on stderr the invalid ones and the diff in the unified format. Update the exercises that don't use the canonical zig fmt format. Update some patches that cause the generated zig file to be incorrectly formatted.
216 lines
6.2 KiB
216 lines
6.2 KiB
// Quiz Time!
// Let's revisit the Hermit's Map from Quiz 7.
// Oh, don't worry, it's not nearly as big without all the
// explanatory comments. And we're only going to change one part
// of it.
const print = @import("std").debug.print;
const TripError = error{ Unreachable, EatenByAGrue };
const Place = struct {
name: []const u8,
paths: []const Path = undefined,
var a = Place{ .name = "Archer's Point" };
var b = Place{ .name = "Bridge" };
var c = Place{ .name = "Cottage" };
var d = Place{ .name = "Dogwood Grove" };
var e = Place{ .name = "East Pond" };
var f = Place{ .name = "Fox Pond" };
// Remember how we didn't have to declare the numeric type of the
// place_count because it is only used at compile time? That
// probably makes a lot more sense now. :-)
const place_count = 6;
const Path = struct {
from: *const Place,
to: *const Place,
dist: u8,
// Okay, so as you may recall, we had to create each Path struct
// by hand and each one took 5 lines of code to define:
// Path{
// .from = &a, // from: Archer's Point
// .to = &b, // to: Bridge
// .dist = 2,
// },
// Well, armed with the knowledge that we can run code at compile
// time, we can perhaps shorten this a bit with a simple function
// instead.
// Please fill in the body of this function!
fn makePath(from: *Place, to: *Place, dist: u8) Path {
// Using our new function, these path definitions take up considerably less
// space in our program now!
const a_paths = [_]Path{makePath(&a, &b, 2)};
const b_paths = [_]Path{ makePath(&b, &a, 2), makePath(&b, &d, 1) };
const c_paths = [_]Path{ makePath(&c, &d, 3), makePath(&c, &e, 2) };
const d_paths = [_]Path{ makePath(&d, &b, 1), makePath(&d, &c, 3), makePath(&d, &f, 7) };
const e_paths = [_]Path{ makePath(&e, &c, 2), makePath(&e, &f, 1) };
const f_paths = [_]Path{makePath(&f, &d, 7)};
// But is it more readable? That could be argued either way.
// We've seen that it is possible to parse strings at compile
// time, so the sky's really the limit on how fancy we could get
// with this.
// For example, we could create our own "path language" and
// create Paths from that. Something like this, perhaps:
// a -> (b[2])
// b -> (a[2] d[1])
// c -> (d[3] e[2])
// ...
// Feel free to implement something like that as a SUPER BONUS EXERCISE!
const TripItem = union(enum) {
place: *const Place,
path: *const Path,
fn printMe(self: TripItem) void {
switch (self) {
.place => |p| print("{s}", .{p.name}),
.path => |p| print("--{}->", .{p.dist}),
const NotebookEntry = struct {
place: *const Place,
coming_from: ?*const Place,
via_path: ?*const Path,
dist_to_reach: u16,
const HermitsNotebook = struct {
entries: [place_count]?NotebookEntry = .{null} ** place_count,
next_entry: u8 = 0,
end_of_entries: u8 = 0,
fn getEntry(self: *HermitsNotebook, place: *const Place) ?*NotebookEntry {
for (&self.entries, 0..) |*entry, i| {
if (i >= self.end_of_entries) break;
if (place == entry.*.?.place) return &entry.*.?;
return null;
fn checkNote(self: *HermitsNotebook, note: NotebookEntry) void {
var existing_entry = self.getEntry(note.place);
if (existing_entry == null) {
self.entries[self.end_of_entries] = note;
self.end_of_entries += 1;
} else if (note.dist_to_reach < existing_entry.?.dist_to_reach) {
existing_entry.?.* = note;
fn hasNextEntry(self: *HermitsNotebook) bool {
return self.next_entry < self.end_of_entries;
fn getNextEntry(self: *HermitsNotebook) *const NotebookEntry {
defer self.next_entry += 1;
return &self.entries[self.next_entry].?;
fn getTripTo(self: *HermitsNotebook, trip: []?TripItem, dest: *Place) TripError!void {
const destination_entry = self.getEntry(dest);
if (destination_entry == null) {
return TripError.Unreachable;
var current_entry = destination_entry.?;
var i: u8 = 0;
while (true) : (i += 2) {
trip[i] = TripItem{ .place = current_entry.place };
if (current_entry.coming_from == null) break;
trip[i + 1] = TripItem{ .path = current_entry.via_path.? };
const previous_entry = self.getEntry(current_entry.coming_from.?);
if (previous_entry == null) return TripError.EatenByAGrue;
current_entry = previous_entry.?;
pub fn main() void {
const start = &a; // Archer's Point
const destination = &f; // Fox Pond
// We could either have this:
// a.paths = a_paths[0..];
// b.paths = b_paths[0..];
// c.paths = c_paths[0..];
// d.paths = d_paths[0..];
// e.paths = e_paths[0..];
// f.paths = f_paths[0..];
// or this comptime wizardry:
const letters = [_][]const u8{ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" };
inline for (letters) |letter| {
@field(@This(), letter).paths = @field(@This(), letter ++ "_paths")[0..];
var notebook = HermitsNotebook{};
var working_note = NotebookEntry{
.place = start,
.coming_from = null,
.via_path = null,
.dist_to_reach = 0,
while (notebook.hasNextEntry()) {
var place_entry = notebook.getNextEntry();
for (place_entry.place.paths) |*path| {
working_note = NotebookEntry{
.place = path.to,
.coming_from = place_entry.place,
.via_path = path,
.dist_to_reach = place_entry.dist_to_reach + path.dist,
var trip = [_]?TripItem{null} ** (place_count * 2);
notebook.getTripTo(trip[0..], destination) catch |err| {
print("Oh no! {}\n", .{err});
fn printTrip(trip: []?TripItem) void {
var i: u8 = @intCast(u8, trip.len);
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
if (trip[i] == null) continue;
print("\n", .{});