# zerve A simple framework for writing web services in zig. ## Requires zig 0.11.0 or higher! ## Create a simple web app ```zig const zrv = @import("zerve"); // Or set the path to zerve.zig e.g. @import("zerve-main/src/zerve.zig"); const Request = zrv.Request; const Response = zrv.Response; const Server = zrv.Server; const Route = zrv.Route; const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; // Choose any allocator you want! fn index(req: Request) Response { _=req; return Response.new("hello!"); } fn about(req: Request) Response { _=req; return Response.new("about site"); } fn writeJson(req: Request) Response { _=req; Response.json("[1, 2, 3, 4]"); } pub fn main() !void { const rt = [_]Route{.{"/", index}, .{"/about", about}, .{"/json", writeJson}}; try Server.listen("", 8080, &rt, allocator); // listens to http://localhost:8080 // http://localhost:8080/ "hello!" // http://localhost:8080/about "about site" // http://localhost:8080/json "[1, 2, 3, 4]" (JSON-Response) } ``` ## Types ### Route To write a web service with **zerve** you have to configure one or more Routes. They are being set by creating an Array of `Route`. Example: ```zig const rt = [_]Route{.{"/hello", helloFunction}, "/about", aboutFunction}; ``` You can also set only one path and link it to a handler function, but since `Server.listen()` takes an Array of `Route` as one of it's arguments, you have do declare it as an Array as well: ```zig const rt = [_]Route{.{"/hello", helloFunction}}; ``` ### Handler Functions Every Request is handled by a handler function. It has to be of this type: `fn(req: Request) Response` Example: ```zig fn hello(req: Request) Response { _ = req; return Response.new("hello"); // `Server` will return a Reponse with body "hello". You will see "hello" on your browser. } ``` ### Request This is the Request sent by the client. ```zig pub const Request = struct { /// The Request Method, e.g. "GET" method: Method, /// HTTP-Version of the Request sent by the client httpVersion: HTTP_Version, /// Represents the request headers sent by the client headers: []const Header, /// The Request URI uri: []const u8, /// Represents the request body sent by the client body: []const u8, }; ``` ### Response A Response that is sent ny the server. Every handler function has to return a `Response`. ```zig pub const Response = struct { httpVersion: HTTP_Version = HTTP_Version.HTTP1_1, /// Response status, default is "200 OK" status: stat.Status = stat.Status.OK, /// Response eaders sent by the server headers: []const Header = &[_]Header{.{ .key = "Content-Type", .value = "text/html; charset=utf-8" }}, /// Response body sent by the server body: []const u8 = "", /// Write a simple response. pub fn new(s: []const u8) Response { return Response{ .body = s }; } /// Send a response with json content. pub fn json(j: []const u8) Response { return Response{ .headers = &[_]Header{.{ .key = "Content-Type", .value = "application/json" }}, .body = j }; } /// Send a response with status not found. pub fn notfound(s: []const u8) Response { return Response{ .status = stat.Status.NOT_FOUND, .body = s }; } /// Send a response with status forbidden. pub fn forbidden(s: []u8) Response { return Response{ .status = stat.Status.FORBIDDEN, .body = s }; } }; ``` ### Header Every Request or Response has Headers represented by an Array of Headers. Every Header has a key and a value. ```zig pub const Header = struct { key: []const u8, value: []const u8, /// Turns the header key and value into a string. pub fn stringify(header: Header) []const u8 {...} }; ``` ### Method Represents the http method of a Request or a Response. ```zig pub const Method = enum { GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, CONNECT, OPTIONS, TRACE, PATCH, UNKNOWN, /// Turns the HTTP_method into a u8-Slice. pub fn stringify(m: Method) []const u8 {...} }; ``` ### HTTP-Version The HTTP-Version of a Request or a Response. ```zig pub const HTTP_Version = enum { HTTP1_1, HTTP2, /// Parses from `[]u8` pub fn parse(s: []const u8) HTTP_Version {...} /// Stringifies `HTTP_Version` pub fn stringify(version: HTTP_Version) []const u8 {...} }; ``` ## Namespaces ### Server Server is a namespace to configure IP and Port the app will listen to by calling `Server.listen()`, as well as the routing paths (`[]Route`) it shall handle. You can also choose an allocator that the app will use for dynamic memory allocation. ```zig pub fn listen(ip: []const u8, port: u16, rt: []const Route, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void {...} ```