module commands import os import cli import log import time import toml import regex import markdown import template const default_config = 'config.toml' // Allowed parameters const config_params = ['title', 'description', 'baseUrl'] const default_template = 'layouts/index.html' const defautl_static = 'static' const default_index = '' const default_dist = 'dist' fn new_build_cmd() cli.Command { return cli.Command{ name: 'build' description: 'build your site' usage: 'vss build' execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { mut logger := log.Log{} logger.set_level( build(mut logger) or { logger.error(err.msg()) println("Build failed") } } } } fn read_file(filename string) ?string { contents := os.read_file(filename.trim_space())? return contents } fn get_config_map() ?map[string]string { mut config_map := map[string]string{} // toml_str := read_file(commands.default_config)? config := toml.parse_text(toml_str)? for param in commands.config_params { v := config.value_opt(param) or { continue } config_map[param] = v.string() } return config_map } fn get_html_filename(md_path string) string { mut file_name := os.file_name(md_path) file_name = file_name.replace('.md', '') return file_name + '.html' } // pre_proc_md_to_html convert markdown relative links to html relative links fn pre_proc_md_to_html(contents string) ?string { lines := contents.split_into_lines() mut parsed_lines := []string{len: lines.len} mut re := regex.regex_opt(r'\[.+\]\(.+\.md\)')? for i, line in contents.split_into_lines() { start, end := re.find(line) if start >= 0 && end > start { parsed_lines[i] = line.replace('.md', '.html') } else { parsed_lines[i] = line } } return parsed_lines.join('\n') } fn build(mut logger log.Log) ? { println("Start building") mut sw := time.new_stopwatch() dist := commands.default_dist if os.exists(dist) {"re-create dist dir") os.rmdir_all(dist)? os.mkdir_all(dist)? } else {"create dist dir") os.mkdir_all(dist)? } // copy static files if os.exists(commands.defautl_static) {"copy static files") os.cp_all(commands.defautl_static, dist, false)? } template_content := os.read_file(commands.default_template)? mut config_map := get_config_map()? md_paths := os.walk_ext('.', '.md')"start md to html") for path in md_paths { mut md := os.read_file(path)? md = pre_proc_md_to_html(md)? contents := markdown.to_html(md) config_map['contents'] = contents html := template.parse(template_content, config_map) filename := get_html_filename(path) html_path := os.join_path(dist, filename) os.write_file(html_path, html)? }"end md to html") sw.stop() println("Total in " + sw.elapsed().milliseconds().str() + " ms") return }