*This page shows what I'm up to at the moment, following the idea of the [/now page](https://sive.rs/nowff) introduced by [Derek Sivers](https://sive.rs/). You can find more now pages on [nownownow](https://nownownow.com/).* Last updated: 2024-05-12 ## Priorities > I do a lot of things all the time and have a hard time to focus. Most of my energy right now hopefully flows into the following things: * This homepage. * Keeping up the pace professionally by taking up more management responsibilities. * Fleshing out a long form D&D campaign ("Out Of The Cold Shadow"). * Writing down more short adventures and one-shots and publish them on [tiskifer.dk](https://tiskifer.dk). * My wedding and honeymoon in June! ## Book(s) > I'm not really good with taking time for reading, but when I do, I read: [Accelerando](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL2465670W/Accelerando) by [Charles Stross](https://openlibrary.org/authors/OL343157A/Charles_Stross) [The Manager's Path](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL19860807W/The_Manager%27s_Path) by [Camille Fournier](https://openlibrary.org/authors/OL7564045A/Camille_Fournier)