type Bookmark = { id: number url: string title: string description: string notes: string website_title: string | null website_description: string | null web_archive_snapshot_url: string | null is_archived: boolean unread: boolean shared: boolean tag_names: string[] date_added: string date_modified: string } type Response = { count: number next: string | null previous: string | null results: T[] } const bookmarksRaw: string = await Deno.readTextFile('./content/bookmarks.json') const bookmarksResponse = JSON.parse(bookmarksRaw) as Response const bookmarkList = bookmarksResponse.results const templatePrefix = `--- { .title = "Bookmarks", .date = @date("2024-07-16T00:00:00"), .author = "koehr", .draft = false, .layout = "page.shtml", .description = "Websites that inspired me, that I think are worth reading, useful and I don't want to forget about.", .tags = [], } --- > Check out [The Bukmark Club](https://bukmark.club/) to find more pages featuring a curated collection of bookmarks and/or links to other websites. This page is intended to be generated as part of the build step in the future, but it is not there, yet. Instead it is generated by a small, manually run helper script, therefore the bookmarks might not be fully up to date. For a fully up-to-date version, please refer to my [public bookmark list](https://url.koehr.ing/bookmarks/shared). --- ` const URL = 'https://url.koehr.ing/bookmarks/shared' const bookmarksMd = bookmarkList.map(bookmark => { const { url, title: maybeTitle, description, tag_names: tags, notes } = bookmark const title = maybeTitle?.length > 0 ? maybeTitle : url const tagList = tags.map(tag => `[#${tag}](${URL}?q=%23${tag})`).join(' ') return `* [${title}](${url})${description ? ` - ${description}` : ''} ${tagList}${notes ? `\n\n ${notes}` : ''} ` }) console.log(templatePrefix + bookmarksMd.join('\n')) export {}