136 lines
4.9 KiB
136 lines
4.9 KiB
declare-option -docstring 'Whether to show hidden files' bool explore_files_show_hidden no
declare-option -hidden str explore_files
declare-option -hidden int explore_files_count
set-face global ExploreFiles 'magenta,default'
set-face global ExploreDirectories 'cyan,default'
add-highlighter shared/directory regions
add-highlighter shared/directory/content default-region group
add-highlighter shared/directory/content/files regex '^.+$' 0:ExploreFiles
add-highlighter shared/directory/content/directories regex '^.+/$' 0:ExploreDirectories
define-command -hidden explore-files-display -params 1..2 %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
path=$(realpath "${2:-.}")
name=$(basename "$path")
out=$(mktemp --directory)
last_buffer_name=$(basename "$kak_bufname")
mkfifo $fifo
cd "$path"
(eval "$command" > $fifo) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "
edit -fifo %($fifo) %($path)
set-option buffer filetype directory
hook -once window NormalIdle '' %{
evaluate-commands -save-regs / %{
set-register / %(\b\Q$last_buffer_name\E\b)
try %(execute-keys n)
# Information
echo -markup {Information} %(Showing $name/ entries)
hook -always -once buffer BufCloseFifo '' %(nop %sh(rm --recursive $out))
# Information
echo -markup {Information} %(Showing $name/ entries)
define-command -hidden explore-files-smart -params 0..1 %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
edit=$(test -d "$file" && echo explore-files || echo edit)
echo "$edit %($file)"
define-command -hidden explore-files -params 0..1 -docstring 'Explore directory entries' %{
explore-files-display "ls --dereference --group-directories-first --indicator-style=slash %sh(test $kak_opt_explore_files_show_hidden = true && echo --almost-all)" %arg(1)
define-command -hidden explore-files-recursive -params 0..1 -docstring 'Explore directory entries recursively' %{
explore-files-display "fd %sh(test $kak_opt_explore_files_show_hidden = true && echo --hidden)" %arg(1)
define-command -hidden explore-files-forward -docstring 'Edit selected files' %{
set-option current explore_files %val(bufname)
execute-keys '<a-s>;<a-x>_'
set-option current explore_files_count %sh(count() { echo $#; }; count $kak_selections_desc)
evaluate-commands -draft -itersel -save-regs 'F' %{
set-register F "%val(bufname)/%reg(.)"
evaluate-commands -client %val(client) %(explore-files-smart %reg(F))
delete-buffer %opt(explore_files)
evaluate-commands %sh{
test $count -gt 1 &&
echo "echo -markup {Information} %[$count files opened]"
define-command -hidden explore-files-back -docstring 'Explore parent directory' %{
set-option current explore_files %val(bufname)
explore-files "%opt(explore_files)/.."
delete-buffer %opt(explore_files)
echo -markup {Information} "Showing %sh(basename ""$kak_bufname"")/ entries"
define-command -hidden explore-files-change-directory -docstring 'Change directory and quit' %{
change-directory %val(bufname)
define-command -hidden explore-files-toggle-hidden -docstring 'Toggle hidden files' %{
set-option current explore_files_show_hidden %sh{
if test $kak_opt_explore_files_show_hidden = true; then
echo no
echo yes
explore-files %val(bufname)
hook global WinSetOption filetype=directory %{
add-highlighter window/ ref directory
map window normal <ret> ': explore-files-forward<ret>'
map window normal <backspace> ': explore-files-back<ret>'
map window normal . ': explore-files-toggle-hidden<ret>'
map window normal R ': explore-files-recursive %val(bufname)<ret>'
map window normal q ': explore-files-change-directory<ret>'
map window normal <esc> ': delete-buffer<ret>'
hook -always -once window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{
remove-highlighter window/directory
define-command -hidden explore-files-enable %{
hook window -group explore-files RuntimeError '\d+:\d+: ''(?:edit|e)'' wrong argument count' %{
explore-files %sh(dirname "$kak_buffile")
hook window -group explore-files RuntimeError '\d+:\d+: ''(?:edit|e)'' (.+): is a directory' %{
# Hide error message
explore-files %val(hook_param_capture_1)
hook window -group explore-files RuntimeError 'unable to find file ''(.+)''' %{
# Hide error message
explore-files-smart %val(hook_param_capture_1)
hook -group explore-files global WinCreate .* %{
hook -group explore-files global KakBegin .* %{ hook -once global WinCreate .* %{ hook -once global NormalIdle '' %{
try %{ evaluate-commands -draft -save-regs '/' %{
buffer *debug*
set-register / 'error while opening file ''(.+?)'':\n\h+(.+?): is a directory'
execute-keys '%1s<ret>'
evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %{
evaluate-commands -client %val(client) explore-files %reg(.)