129 lines
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129 lines
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*CuteTodoList.txt* Plugin to handle a todo list, nicely (v1.3)
Cute Todo List Plugin ~
1. The what and why of todoLists. |cuteTodoList|
2. How to use the different commands. |cuteTodoCommands|
3. How to manage the list. |cuteBufferUsage|
4. How to tweak the Todo list. |cuteTodoConfiguration|
1. Why a Cute Todo list that even kitteh can't match ?~
The aim of this plug-in is to provide a nice 'to do' list which doesn't
interfere with your code. All the things to do are stored in separate
Moreover the tasks can have priorities, and be sorted accordingly,
which help to manage the work flow without leaving Vim.
The files containing tasks are stored at two distinct places : >
The global one is stored on your home directory, opened every time you use
the to-do list. The local one is intended to be used as a project-specific
This plug-in can also extract all tasks gathered in your open buffer.
If you mark something TODO in your document, you will see it appear in the
list after the next (manual) update.
To be able to use this plugin, you must put : >
set nocompatible
> somwhere on your .vimrc
*cuteTodoCommands* List of hoogle related command
2. Cute Todo List commands ~
*TodoOpen* *:TodoOpen*
Open the Todo Window at the top or bottom of your current window. Cursor
stay at it's current position.
*TodoClose* *:TodoClose*
Close the Todo Window, whenever it is. Cursor stay where it is.
*Todo* *:Todo*
Add a todo in the local list. A prompt will appear to type the todo text.
*Todog* *:Todog*
Add a todo in the global list. A prompt will appear to type the todo text.
*cuteBufferUsage* How to use the todolist buffer
3. Cute Todo List Buffer usage. ~
Increase task priority. The icon should transform from down arrow to (!).
Decrease task priority. The icon should transform from (!) to down arrow.
Move the task up in the list.
Move the task down in the list.
Modify the task, you'll be prompted to modify the text in the command
Jump to the location of the gathered todo.
Sort the todos. Press multiple times to change sorting factor.
Scan all the open buffer to search for TODO and add them to the todo list
Delete a task, no confirmation asked. the simple 'd' was avoided to
prevent manipulation error.
*cuteTodoConfiguration* Variables controlling CuteTodoList configuration
4. Cute Todo List tweaks ~
*g:todo_list_buff_name* *todo_list_buff_name*
Default name of the todo list window, the default is 'Todo\ List', you
must escape spaces, as it is used as an Ex command argument. To change the
window name, use the following command : >
:let g:todo_list_buff_name= 'The\ name\ you\ want'
*g:todo_generate_auto* *todo_generate_auto*
To disable automatic generation : >
:let g:todo_generate_auto = 0
*g:todo_list_filename* *todo_list_filename*
File name used to store the todo lists. The default is .todo.txt
*g:todo_list_globfilename* *todo_list_globfilename*
File name used to store the global todo list. The defult is