evaluate-commands %sh{ plugins="$kak_config/plugins" mkdir -p "$plugins" [ ! -e "$plugins/plug.kak" ] && \ git clone -q https://github.com/andreyorst/plug.kak.git "$plugins/plug.kak" printf "%s\n" "source '$plugins/plug.kak/rc/plug.kak'" } plug "andreyorst/plug.kak" noload ########################################################### # kakoune-buffers # # sets former b (word-back) to q and makes b a global key # # for the new buffers command. I don't use macros anyway. # ########################################################### plug 'delapouite/kakoune-buffers' config %{ map global normal ^ q map global normal Q map global normal q b map global normal Q B map global normal map global normal map global normal b ': enter-buffers-mode' -docstring 'buffers' map global normal B ': enter-user-mode -lock buffers' -docstring 'buffers (lock)' } plug "andreyorst/kaktree" defer kaktree %{ set-option global kaktree_double_click_duration '0.5' set-option global kaktree_indentation 1 set-option global kaktree_dir_icon_open '▾ 🗁 ' set-option global kaktree_dir_icon_close '▸ 🗀 ' set-option global kaktree_file_icon '⠀⠀🖺' map global normal ': kaktree-toggle' -docstring 'toggle filetree' } config %{ hook global WinSetOption filetype=kaktree %{ remove-highlighter buffer/numbers remove-highlighter buffer/matching remove-highlighter buffer/wrap remove-highlighter buffer/show-whitespaces } kaktree-enable }