colorscheme warm-pastel set-option global scrolloff 5,5 set-option global incsearch true set-option global aligntab true set-option global ui_options ncurses_assistant=dilbert set-option -add global ui_options ncurses_change_colors=true set-option global grepcmd 'rg --column' set-option global tabstop 2 set-option global indentwidth 2 # plug.kak plugin manager source "%val{config}/plugins/plug.kak/rc/plug.kak" plug "andreyorst/plug.kak" noload plug "lenormf/kakoune-extra" load %{ autodownload.kak fzy.kak } ############################################### # lsp support ( # # ...but it's not working yet # ############################################### plug "ul/kak-lsp" do %{ cargo build --release --locked cargo install --force --path . } config %{ # eval %sh{kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session} set-option global lsp_completion_trigger "execute-keys 'h\S[^\h\n,=;*(){}\[\]]\z'" set-option global lsp_diagnostic_line_error_sign '║' set-option global lsp_diagnostic_line_warning_sign '┊' define-command ne -docstring 'go to next error/warning from lsp' %{ lsp-find-error --include-warnings } define-command pe -docstring 'go to previous error/warning from lsp' %{ lsp-find-error --previous --include-warnings } define-command ee -docstring 'go to current error/warning from lsp' %{ lsp-find-error --include-warnings; lsp-find-error --previous --include-warnings } hook global WinSetOption filetype=(c|cpp|rust|go|javascript|typescript) %{ map window user "l" ": enter-user-mode lsp" -docstring "LSP mode" set-option window lsp_auto_highlight_references true set-option window lsp_hover_anchor true set-face window DiagnosticError default+u set-face window DiagnosticWarning default+u lsp-enable-window lsp-auto-hover-enable lsp-auto-hover-insert-mode-disable } hook global WinSetOption filetype=rust %{ set-option window lsp_server_configuration rust.clippy_preference="on" } hook global KakEnd .* lsp-exit } #eval %sh{kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session} #hook global WinSetOption filetype=(rust|python|go|javascript|typescript|c|cpp) %{ # lsp-enable-window #} plug "TeddyDD/kakoune-wiki" config %{ wiki_setup "/home/nk/Wiki" } ########################################################### # kakoune-buffers # # sets former b (word-back) to q and makes b a global key # # for the new buffers command. I don't use macros anyway. # ########################################################### plug 'delapouite/kakoune-buffers' config %{ map global normal ^ q map global normal Q map global normal q b map global normal Q B map global normal map global normal map global normal b ': enter-buffers-mode' -docstring 'buffers' map global normal B ': enter-user-mode -lock buffers' -docstring 'buffers (lock)' hook·global·WinDisplay·.*·info-buffers } plug "ABuffSeagull/kakoune-vue" plug "ABuffSeagull/kakoune-wiki" ############################################################ # replace mode # # that is one thing I missed in Kakoune: writing over text # ############################################################ plug "alexherbo2/replace.kak" noload config %{ ## currently not working well # map global user r -docstring 'Replace' ': replace' } ########################################################### # explore files ( # use fd instead of find ########################################################### plug "alexherbo2/explore.kak" config %{ define-command -hidden -override explore-files-recursive -params 0..1 %{ explore-files-display "fd %sh(test $kak_opt_explore_files_show_hidden = true && echo --hidden)" %arg(1) } } # TODO: check out snippets # plug "alexherbo2/snippets.kak" config %{ # } # TODO: check out tagbar # plug "andreyorst/tagbar.kak" config %{ # set-option global tagbar_sort false # set-option global tagbar_size 40 # set-option global tagbar_display_anon false #} config %{ # if you have wrap highlighter enamled in you configuration # # files it's better to turn it off for tagbar, using this hook: # hook global WinSetOption filetype=tagbar %{ # remove-highlighter window/wrap # # you can also disable rendering whitespaces here, line numbers, and # # matching characters # } #} # set-option global fzf_filesearch_cmd "fd '%s'" # with inspiration from # set global modelinefmt %{ %val{bufname} [%opt{filetype}] · %val{cursor_line}:%val{cursor_char_column} · {{context_info}} {{mode_info}} } hook global InsertEnd .* %{ lint } # defines tabe and vsplit commands # def -file-completion -params 1 tabe %{ tmux-terminal-window edit %arg{1} } # spaces instead tabs map global insert ' ' # ← system clipboard map global user y 'xsel --input --clipboard; :echo -color Information "copied selection to X11 clipboard"' -docstring 'yank from clipboard' map global user p 'xsel --output --clipboard' -docstring 'replace from clipboard' map global user P '!xsel --output --clipboard' -docstring 'print from clipboard' # → system clipboard hook global NormalKey y|d|c %{ nop %sh{ printf %s "$kak_reg_dquote" | xsel --input --clipboard }} # editorconfig support hook global BufCreate .* %{editorconfig-load}