117 lines
3.7 KiB
117 lines
3.7 KiB
![]() |
declare-option -docstring %{ Path to wiki directory } str wiki_path
# program that outputs relative path given two absolute as params
declare-option -hidden str wiki_relative_path_program %{ perl -e 'use File::Spec; print File::Spec->abs2rel(@ARGV) . "\n"' }
define-command -hidden -params 1 wiki_setup %{
evaluate-commands %sh{
echo "set-option global wiki_path $1"
echo "hook global BufCreate $1/.+\.md %{ wiki_enable }"
define-command wiki -params 1 \
-docstring %{ wiki [file.md]: Edit or create wiki page } \
-shell-script-candidates %{ cd $kak_opt_wiki_path; find . -type f -name '*.md' | sed -e 's/^\.\///' } \
%{ evaluate-commands %sh{
if [ ! -e "$kak_opt_wiki_path/$1" ]; then
echo "wiki_new_page %{$1}"
echo "edit %{$kak_opt_wiki_path/$1}"
define-command wiki_enable %{
add-highlighter buffer/wiki group
add-highlighter buffer/wiki/tag regex '\B@\S+' 0:link
add-highlighter buffer/wiki/link regex '\[\w+\]' 0:link
hook buffer InsertKey '<ret>' -group wiki %{
evaluate-commands %{ try %{
execute-keys -draft %{
}} catch %{
try %{ execute-keys -draft %{
execute-keys <backspace>
hook buffer NormalKey '<ret>' -group wiki %{
try %{ wiki_follow_link }
try %{ wiki_toggle_checkbox }
define-command wiki_disable %{
remove-highlighter buffer/wiki
remove-hooks buffer wiki
define-command wiki_expand_tag \
-docstring %{ Expands tag from @filename form to [filename](filename.md)
Creates empty markdown file in wiki_path if not exist. Selection must be
somewhere on @tag and @tag should not contain extension } %{
evaluate-commands %sh{
tag=$(echo $kak_selection | sed -e 's/^\@//')
relative=$(eval "$kak_opt_wiki_relative_path_program" "$other" $(dirname "$this"))
# sanity chceck
echo "execute-keys -draft '<a-k>\A@[^@]+<ret>'"
echo "execute-keys \"c[$tag]($relative)<esc>\""
echo "wiki_new_page \"$tag\""
define-command wiki_expand_pic \
-docstring %{ Expands images from @!filename.png form to } %{
evaluate-commands %sh{
tag=$(echo $kak_selection | sed -e 's/^\@!//')
relative=$(eval "$kak_opt_wiki_relative_path_program" "$other" $(dirname "$this"))
# sanity check
echo execute-keys -draft '<a-k>^@\+[^@!]+'
echo execute-keys "c<esc>"
define-command -params 1 -hidden \
-docstring %{ wiki_new_page [name]: create new wiki page in wiki_path if not exists } \
wiki_new_page %{
nop %sh{
mkdir -p "$(dirname $file)"
touch "${file}.md"
define-command wiki_follow_link \
-docstring %{ Follow markdown link and open file if exists } %{
evaluate-commands %{
execute-keys %{
evaluate-commands -try-client %opt{jumpclient} edit -existing %sh{
echo "${kak_buffile%/*.md}/$kak_selection"
try %{ focus %opt{jumpclient} }
define-command wiki_toggle_checkbox \
-docstring "Toggle markdown checkbox in current line" %{
try %{
try %{
execute-keys -draft %{
}} catch %{
execute-keys -draft %{